
10.12(수) 전문가 초청 세미나 개최(실리콘밸리 데이터사이언스의 현재와 미래)
10.12(수) 전문가 초청 세미나 개최(실리콘밸리 데이터사이언스의 현재와 미래)
작성자 정보통계학과
조회수 772 등록일 2022.10.05

10월 12일 (전문가 초청 세미나

일 시


연 사

소 속

10월 12()




박태호 교수

산호세 주립대학교

▷ 특강 주제 : Current and Future of Silicon Valley Data Science 

▷ 초록

 Data Science has become one of emerging technology buzz words nowadays and attracted a lot of statistics/computing enthusiasts in academia and professional societies. The demand for data science professionals has been growing up and will continue to grow in the near future. With the rapidly growing demand for specialized data and computing skills, the specific positions within data science are expected to be refined further. Since startups to multinational companies started leveraging data science, the domain of data science will grow gradually. Data science is not just about the math, and the statistical analysis, it’s beyond those, which will be discussed in the seminar presentation. The presentation will cover the following topics: (1) why has data science become an emerging technology, (2) can statisticians be a data scientist, (3) what knowledge and skills are needed to become a data scientist, (4) where are jobs in data science, (5) and is it a hot topic in Silicon Valley.

정보통계학과 주전공/복수전공 학부생대학원생 대상 -